require("/var/www/html/PHPMailer-master/src/Exception.php"); require("/var/www/html/PHPMailer-master/src/PHPMailer.php"); require("/var/www/html/PHPMailer-master/src/SMTP.php"); $mail = new PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer(); $mail->IsSMTP(); $mail->SMTPAuth = false; $mail->SMTPSecure = false; $mail->SMTPAutoTLS = false; $mail->Host = ""; $mail->Port = 25; $mail->IsHTML(true); $mail->SetFrom("from@mydomain.tld"); $mail->Subject = "my subject"; $mail->Body = "my body"; $mail->AddAddress("to@anotherdomain.tld"); if(!$mail->Send()) { echo "Mailer Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo; } else { echo "Message has been sent"; }
Articoli con tag mail
Send Mail with PHPMailer
Send mail with Debian 9 Stretch and PHP 7
apt-get install sendmail sendmailconfig
nano /etc/mail/
define(`SMART_HOST', `')dnl
cd /etc/mail make
Best Exchange ActiveSync Mail Apps for AndroidForWork
Today we’ll talk about Exchange ActiveSync Mail Apps for AndroidForWork environment.
In my company we use Blackberry UEM 12.6 as MDM platfrom; with the new functionalities of Android For Work we can enable only some apps for the Play Store and block all the other ones.
As Mail apps we tested Blackberry Hub, Outlook by Microsoft, BlueMail by Blue Mail Inc, Email Exchange by MailWise and Vmware Boxer on mainly Samsung S7 devices.
Here some considerations and at the end the definitive choice.
Blackberry Hub
- Good integration with the UEM Environment
- Good Support for Exchange/ActiveSync
- Receive settings and configurations from UEM
- not working with hybrid configuration of Exchange and office 365
- Free only for 30 days and purchasable only by single user, not via B2B channel
- Very good support of Exchange and Office 365 connections; quick, clean and essential app.
- completely free and without advertising
- no integration with the system calendar and partially with the address book (in-app option to sync contacts but a lot of problems for searching into Company Exchange Global Address List)
- No week-view into integrated Calendar
- Very slow sync for mail and calendar events (even 30 minutes late!!)
- Good support of Exchange and Office365 (but only with thirdy-part provided ActiveSync component)
- Perfect sync with the company GAL
- Perfect sync with the Calendar
- Completely free and without advertising
- Without the default Android e-mail client and without another app that wake up the ActiveSync feature BlueMail cannot manage ActiveSync accounts.
VmWare Boxer
- Good support of Exchange and Office365
- Perfect sync with the company GAL
- Perfect sync with the Calendar
- Completely free and without advertising
- some minor features outlook-desktop style are missing
- Good support of Exchange and Office365
- Perfect sync with the company GAL
- Perfect sync with the Calendar
- the free version of the app requests upgrade to pro version for 2.99$.
At the end of the tests we decided to use VmWare Boxer as default mail/calendar/address book client for Android because of the limits and lacks of the other apps.
In the future we hope that Blackberry could resolve the license issues and the office 365 (also in hybrid configuration) support for its Android suite apps because this could effort security, limitations and control on the users accounts.
how to send html e-mails with php
This is a simple script for sending an html formatted e-mail:
$subject = "My Subject"; $headers = "From:\r\n"; $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n"; $message = <<< EOT < html > < head > < style > body{background-color:#eee;margin:0;padding:0;border:0;} h1{background-color:black;color:white;border-bottom:2px solid red; font-size:16px; font-family:Arial;height:30px;line-height:30px; text-indent:10px;vertical-align:middle;} p{font-size:13px;font-family:Arial;line-height:1.2em;} style > head > < body > < h1 >Example Text< /h1 > Hello, this is a little text example. Paolo's web site regards EOT; mail($send_to,$subject,$message,$headers); body > html >
Impostare Disclaimer sulle E-Mail in Uscita su SME Server
In Azienda spesso sorge l’esigenza di impostare un messaggio a piè delle e-mail (ad esempio un disclaimer ovvero esclusione di responsabilità). Spesso per motivazioni di privacy.
Su SME Server questo può essere aggiunto in fondo a tutti i messaggi in uscita. Questo testo può essere unico per ciascuno dominio configurato su SME Server o personalizzato per ciascun dominio. Vediamo come:
Sulla shell del server digitare:
config setprop smtpd disclaimer enabled nano -w /service/qpsmtpd/config/disclaimer
Inserisci il testo di cui hai bisogno…
Per Salvare e Uscire
Ctrl-o Ctrl-x
Perchè i cambiamenti abbiano effetto digitare:
signal-event email-update
Per Creare testi specifici per ciascun dominio creare differenti files con la seguente sintassi (si deve però rimuovere il file globale se già creato):
rm /service/qpsmtpd/config/disclaimer config setprop smtpd disclaimer enabled nano -w /service/qpsmtpd/config/ nano -w /service/qpsmtpd/config/ nano -w /service/qpsmtpd/config/
Inserisci il testo di cui hai bisogno per ciascun file…
Per Salvare e Uscire
Ctrl-o Ctrl-x
Perchè i cambiamenti abbiano effetto digitare:
signal-event email-update
Se serve questa estensione solamente per alcuni domini e non per tutti creare solo i file disclaimer_XXX che sono necessari.
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